The eight-part series MTV Presents: Johnny Danger is a comedic take on the crazy life of Johnny, his friends, family and celebrity posse, while also looking at his path to creating his own home brew.
The self-proclaimed amateur stuntman and creator of the infamous ‘Danger Swig’ first came to the attention of the public with his social videos showing Danger in all sorts of daring and downright weird situations.
The series will premiere on and MTV SKY Channel 015.
“I’m very excited! It’s the first time I’ve ever done something like this before so it was a new experience that I really enjoyed,” Danger said.
“It’s good to see MTV supporting new talent, I think they always have been good at that and I appreciate them reaching out and working with me,” he added.
Simon Bates, Vice President, Head of MTV Asia Pacific, said the commitment to supporting fresh local talent is something MTV is specifically focusing on.
“There are so many bonafide stars in our own backyard and we believe in investing in them and growing them by helping them get exposure on all of our platforms.”
MTV New Zealand last night announced the launch of a new local online programme starring kiwi social media star Johnny Danger.
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