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Showing posts with the label zCheck Out Apple's new $5 billion headquarters Parking Lot

Check Out Apple's new $5 billion headquarters Parking Lot

Apple's new $5 billion headquarters, Apple Park, is a stunning piece of architecture that has captured the entire world's imagination. But as the late Apple founder Steve Jobs once said, "design is how it works." In the case of Apple Park, "how it works" is that thousands of employees drive to work every day, and they need somewhere to park. Guests and other people who have meetings at Apple need to get in and out efficiently, without wandering into areas with confidential information. This could lead to traffic jams. But according to a new dashcam video posted by a Lyft driver, Apple Park has a highly efficient system of turns, underground tunnels, and LED lighting. It's a little reminiscent of how airports direct traffic — fitting, given that the unofficial nickname for Apple Park is the "spaceship" and it looks like it could take off at any point. At one point, you see an underground intersection complete with traffic l...